Validate Me
Artwork concept, artwork direction/styling/Photography and post production/Video installation concept, production and editing: Angelique Joy
Validate Me
Self portrait series from 2018.
Validate Me – My dear, you’re no Francesca Woodman or Cindy Sherman, you’re a bit too curvy to be taken seriously as a feminist self portrait artist, photography is hard enough in a world of contemporary art, besides, all you really want is attention, isn’t it my dear? That’s all you really want.
You’re a bit plumpy to be a dark haired, tattoo ‘alt’ girl now aren’t you, you can do that rockerbilly thing, that’s where the fat girls fit. No one takes them seriously though, but that should not be a problem for you, you just want attention right?
Gender fluid? What nonsense. You are much too chesty for that, can’t bind all those curves up now can you, besides, you are just jumping on this fad like the rest, all you really want is attention!