Earthly Delights & Utopic Reworldings...

Disrupting//Neuroqueering the mundanes & their world…

Divergent world building through (neuro)queering cyborg vision…
Digital image production is characterised by loops, ending, endlessly repeating and unfolding; a fluid reimagining of meaning, creation and seeing. A re-shaping of how we see and how we are seen. ‘Earthly Delights & The Spaces In-between’ is an attempt to co-opt computer vision to reimagine utopic neuroqeer and neurocosmopolitan futures. We, the neuroqueer, are the latent image, we are bodies in-between, expanding and contracting, the unrendered bodymind… (Braidotti, 2000, 159 and Walker, 2020, 2)
The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch, a triptych painted in the 16th century, commissioned by The Church, is an early example of the story of ‘original sin’, a cautionary tale for those who diverge from the ‘right’ or ‘the neuronormative’ path. My body of work draws on this rich playground of fantasy and candy colour, in an attempt to (neuro)queer those original binary concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. My textile objects and bodily additions are set against a back drop of a grey homogenised world… I hope they open unfolding spaces to question ‘which images we want to become reality?’ (Hito, 2013) or, what ‘worlds will we allow to world our future worlds?’ (Haraway, 2016) …
In chapter one of this story, we encountered the textile biomorphic forms in this grey city scape… Audrey is included in this installation…
In this next chapter, Annie meets Audrey….
In the final chapter, to unfold next semester, I attempt a playful reworlding spawned by our biomorphic encounters…