Cyborg Selfies & Dystopic Playdates - 2022
This series explores neuroqueer (autistic/queer) (dis)embodiment and alienation. Through a queer, posthuman and xenofeminist framework, the work brings into focus the inherently queer interbodily experiences of the neuroqueer bodymind. The work offers a narrative imagining for the neuroqueer networked self; a self joyfully enmeshed with the technological and the non-human.
In this story, the cybernetic organism has been employed as a theoretical site for the othered body, and a narrative thread woven throughout the works. The textural layers, virtual image loops, and non-human networks that emerged through this creative research are expressed through self portrait photography, textile sculptures, virtual pointcloud iterations of the sculptures, and augmented reality encounters.
The story that underpins this series sets out that the textile sculptures are dormant biomorphic beings. They become cyborg bodily additions, activated when they connect with their human counterpart. The textile biomorphic forms are self and kin; technological, botanical and material. They are materialisations of a disembodied self, an illustration of all the parts that exist within and without a neuroqueer flesh casing. Each form becomes dematerialised in the analogue and rematerialised in the digital; a virtual unfolding and refolding of self and kin.
Cyborg selfies & dystopic playdates is a story of our bodies in-between;
it is a rewriting of how we see and how we are seen.
This is an offering for modes of being held and learning to hold;
you, them, me and us …