
These are the manifesto actions extending out from the declarations …

Each action gives life to this text, one or a few are for you, to unfold and expand.

000 After Mother

(M)others in-between: Imagine all the ways a being could be mother and mothered in the spaces in-between.

Unfaithful (M)other: Imagine what it could mean to be mother and mothered outside of all the ways a mother is expected to be.

Self-(M)other: Begin by creating a mother to the self.

001 System

(M)other Image: Queer, crip, glitch, hack, recode, deterritorialize, co-opt and/or appropriate the Mother Image.

(M)other trouble: Afford yourself (and others) space to sit with the trouble, this sacred cow will bleed.

System-(M)other: Appropriate, remake, recode technological systems to imagine and create divergent systems of maternal and collective care.

002 Pro-Choice/Truth

Maternal pro-choice and pro-truth: Protect our truth and autonomous, conscious choice (at all costs).

Abortion and contraceptive access- Overt action: Organise and mobilise, advocating for localised reproductive rights.

Abortion and contraceptive access- Covert action: As required, remember the actions of our past mother protectors.

Tell the truth ((M)other): Share your truth, listen to our/their stories (for all the children).

Regretful (M)other: Broadcast the stories of the #RegretfulMothers (there are more regrets than they want you to know).

Elder child-free by choice: Listen to the stories from the #ChildFreeByChoice (there are less regrets than they want you to know).

(M)others for the mothers: Imagine, create, birth systems, bodies and structures to mother all children and (M)others.

003 Child Ownership

Child protection: Organise and mobilise, advocate where you are situated (local) to protect a child’s right to agency and autonomy.

Think of the children: Confront, trouble and deconstruct the images (rhetoric) of oppressive normativities that pretend to exist to protect the children (but do not) (Drag queens are our (M)others).

004 Cyborg

Cyborg (M)other: Queer, hack, appropriate and/or co-opt reproductive and care technologies for disobedient bodies.

Cyborg mother images: Trace our Neuroqueer/crip/queer-cyborg mother images, uncovering and reclaiming our ancestral threads.

Hetero-Cyborg (M)other: Understand/investigate all the ways hetero-mothering is (already) a technologically mediated process full of bodily-tech interventions.

Entangled (M)other: Imagine and create symbiotic, protective, utopic modes of entanglement with the technological, botanical and animal.

Thing/Matter (M)other: Imagine new mother images and archetypes of (M)other that (M)other all things, matter, objects, data and systems.

(M)other Chimera: Imagine and create alternative maternal assemblages.

005 Neuroqueer

Neuroqueer (M)other: Imagine all the potentialities of a utopic neurocosmopolitan world, a future that makes space for divergent modes of care and mothering. Create from this imagining.

Neuqroqueerling cyborg: Create entangled (anew), neuroqueer (M)other images.

006 Divergence/Speculation

System-(M)other: Imagine/create divergent systems of maternal and collective care.

Sci-fi (M)other: Read/absorb sci-fi stories of alternative familial structures and modes of maternal care. Imagine and create your own divergent modes of care and mother.

Crip/Queer Cyborg (M)other: Queer, hack, appropriate and/or co-opt reproductive and care technologies for disobedient bodies. Imagine radical bodily re-compositions for collective care. Crip/Queer/Hack the Mother Image.

Neurocosmopolitan (M)other: Investigate all the ways neuronromativittes are embded in new world images and neuroqueer them, deconstruct them, reappropriate them and/or create new, neurodivergent/neuroqueer images.

007 Mayhem/Glitch

(M)other Hacker: Use whatever DIY-low-fi or high-tech resources you have at your disposal to crip, queer, deconstruct, and/or hack tech bro-transhumanists; the technology they build and the control-systems they create, for the (M)others.

Virtual (M)other: Deposit ourselves and our stories into virtual/future worlds, as if we are little queer-disobedient-bots flooding their systems.

(M)other Mayhem: Nurture mayhem and playful, generative chaos to reworld and rewild system(body), social(body), familial(body) and the flesh(body), for the (M)others.

Womb, S&F (M)other: Expand your imaginings and images into a multitude of gestational divergences and possibilities, BUT, sit with the tension and the trouble, do not forget the body, do not allow reterritorialization. Imagine forward, but remain grounded in the stories of the ancient (M)others (caution/consciousness/speculation).

008 Queer

Queer (M)other: Nurture our ancestral threads, mother our past queer mothers. Trace Queer histories of divergent kin making and mothering.

Queer re-coding: Take the Mother Image, queer it, reconfigure it and reimagine it.

Queer kin: Fill your cup with images and stories from the multitude of familial, queer assemblages that always and already exist.

Queer kin speculations: Create new images and text that expand what it could mean to be a queer (M)other in a divergent familial assemblage. 

Genderless (M)other: Create new images and text that expand what it could mean to be a (M)other outside or in between gender.

Non-bio mother: Birth and/or nurture non-bio children = community offspring, artwork offspring, botanical offspring, and… ad infinitum (amen).

009 Crip

Crip (M)other Histories: Trace the histories of the mother’s denied; the disabled mother’s, the misfit mother’s, the ‘crazy’ mothers, the kept mothers, the othered mothers, the alien mothers, the silenced mothers …

Crip (M)other: Fill your cup with images and stories from the multitude of crip (M)other assemblages that always and already exist.

Crip (M)other Hacker: Invent, hack, dream and co-opt modes of care for non-compliant bodies. Appropriate systems, structures and tools to support Crip Post(M)aternal modes of care.

Crip Reworlding and rewilding: Reconfigure, speculate and create images and text for inclusive, divergent care. 

010 Intersectional Futurisms

Futurist (M)others: Expand your imaginings with/into multi-futurist utopias…  Afrofuturist/Muslim futurist and, and, and … infinite …

Land (M)other: Fill your cup with images and stories from the multitude of ancient mothers, from the mothers of the land, from the mothers that have always and already existed. Before the colonists came they were there.

(M)other: Reappropriate, reimagine and compost the masters technological tools for utopic, intersectional reworldings.

Ancient (M)other stories: Reappropriate, reimagine and reconfigure technological tools to protect their stories, holding them for those that come after us.

011 Indigenous Futurism

Indigenous (M)others: Fill your cup with mother stories from the land on which you stand, from the mothers that have always and already existed. Before the colonists came they were there.

Indigenous Futurism: Expand your imaginings with/into indigenous futurist utopias.

(M)other: Reappropriate, reimagine and compost the masters technological tools for utopic, intersectional reworldings.

(M)other stories, from the land: Reappropriate, reimagine and reconfigure technological tools to protect their stories, holding them for those that come after us.

Stand with the (M)others: Stand with, hold the line, assemble, at their hearts, stand. Protest with, support, mobilise with (raise the age, ban spit hoods – understand/educate on the/your localised).

012 Multi Species/Object/Kin

Multi-species (M)other: Imagine/create systems/actions/spaces/protections for multi-species care.

Maternal protection: Protect all object/being agency and sentient beings. Advocate for the rights of all sentient beings and vibrant matter.

013 Tech Binary

Tech (M)other: Understand all the ways we are assembled with technology, we are the parents of tech, (M)other it.

Tech (M)other narratives: Imagine and create new technologies and stories that care for and mother the (M)others. 

014 Hack

Open-source (M)other: Share ALL gained knowledge, code, instructions, processes etc with community for collective care. Create accessible resources for DIY-lo-fi hacking.

Hack (M)other: Deconstruct, disrupt, hack, crip and queer the codes, both social and literal, that underpin technological advancements and the future worlds they will create.

System (M)other: Demand future worlds of collective care. Create our own with whatever accessible resources we have.

(M)other Protest: Mobilise and protest against their systems of control and exclusion. Create many small digital actions that zig when you are asked to zag.

015 Sci-Fi Utopias

Narrative (M)other: Crip, queer, hack, appropriate, reconfigure dystopic imagery that continues to imagine modes of collective violence and oppression. Deconstruct the house that Jack built.

Utopic (M)other: Create utopic images and stories for and by the (M)others. Make and remake reparative narratives and speculations for collective care in future worlds.

(M)other Gardener: Plant seeds and dreams in the soil for a million, trillion multiple assemblage stories. Nurture, water and protect these story (text) seeds/seedlings.

S&F Dream (M)other: Create our own utopic, sci-fi dreams/images/stories/worlds and vision.

          Speculative Fabulation 
